
My weekend in pictures

This weekend, I discovered the camera in my Samsung Galaxy Tab .  Well, I didn't actually discover it but I rarely used it because, to be honest, I wasn't sure how to upload any pictures I took to my computer.  Yes, sometimes, I am a dork.

Fortunately, my daughter took pity on me and showed me the cord I needed.  I happily popped it in my laptop and voila!  Pictures started uploading!!! All 727 of them.  

Here's a few I took over the weekend.  :)


One thing most people don't know about me:  I raise and breed Shih-tzus.  The only problem that I've ever encountered in doing this is the fact that I HAVE to keep a baby from all my litters.  I can't help it.  There's always one special baby born that seems to beg my heart for a permanent spot.  I have to oblige.  

My latest baby is Katy.  Actually, her name is Katy and the Sunshine Band Smith.  That's the way, uh uh, I like it, uh uh.  ;)  (Her mother, Emmy Lou Harrision Smith is trailing behind with her ball).

Lucy (in the Sky with Diamonds) Smith (top right) is my 2nd oldest baby.  She's the one who never leaves my side; wherever I go, she goes.  She's a little tempermental at times, and she's not very good at sharing but I couldn't live without her.  :) 

I feel like I have the best of both worlds.  My yard is a typical suburban yard yet in the back, we have a small expanse of woods.  I love going out there, hanging out, listening to the wind rustle in the trees, and watching the little bugs running around foraging for truly is my go to when I need a break.

Have a happy day!

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