
Creating A Header In PicMonkey

Do you know that the first thing people notice about your blog is the header?  It's true! Think of your surfing experience; how do you react when you see a blog with a stunning header? It seems to make you want to learn more about the site and click on their other pages. (Clicks are a good thing.) ;)

Making a customized header in PicMonkey is super easy and can be done in minutes.  Of course, before you start, it's good to have an idea of what colors, graphics and overlays you'd like to use.  PicMonkey has a ton of backgrounds, overlays and symbols that can be used or you can use digital elements from other sources. One great way is by searching Pinterest - any reason to browse pinterest is a win! in my book. Am I right?  Of course, I am, Pinterest rocks!

Before getting started, check to see how wide your blog is in Blogger.  
  • Dashboard - Template - Customize - Adjust Width.
My blog is 1100 wide therefore, I will need to make my header 1100 wide.

If you want a plain header, feel free to download this one here. You can change the color of this header in PicMonkey using the add overlay option and choosing a primary color. For detailed instructions on changing the color, please click here for our white washing tutorial.

Now, you have a blank canvas to work from. Add whatever you want; backgrounds, text, overlays, digital elements and more!

You've made your own customized header! How does it feel?  Awesome, right?

Now, upload your header.
  • Blogger - Dashboard - Layout - Edit Header.

Upload your image and select placement: 'instead of title and description'.   Click save and check your work.

You may have to manually center your header since most headers in blogger typically align to the left. If that's the case, just follow these simple instructions. 

Blogger ---> Template ---> Advanced ---> Add CSS

Copy the following code into the CSS box:

#header-inner img {margin: 0 auto !important;} #header-inner {text-align:center !important;}

Click save. That's it!  
Enjoy your perfectly centered header!

  Post your link in the comments below and show me your centered headers!  :)

*Keep in mind that I use the Simple template (all white) as a base template and selected 'instead of title and description' as my header placement. I cannot verify the use of this code with another template. This code will not work on any other placement selected in the edit header window on Blogger. Free Pretty Things For You has a list of codes that should be used for other placement selections.

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