
Creating A Blogger Background Using PicMonkey

When I first started my blog, I created a standard blogger blog. I used the standard template, the standard text and the standard colors. It was fine and functional and worked great.  But there was something missing. It wasn't standing out from the crowd, enticing readers to stay and read once they arrived. Something was missing.  

That something that was missing was ME. My blog looked, felt and read just like every other blog on the Internet. It wasn't me. This realization prompted me to make some changes. Where to start?  

The background! It's one of the first things a person see when arriving on your site and it plays a supporting role to your header. (Or, vice versa. lol)  

One of the first things I did when trying to find a background was think of the overall look I wanted for my blog. I knew I wanted something soft with vintage colors from the 30s-50's. I also knew that I LOVED chevrons and I wanted to incorporate that, for sure. I searched google for hours looking for that perfect background and found several - the only problem: most of the free, cutesy backgrounds and templates you find almost always come with some sort of watermark (it may be located beside your header, or placed in your footer). Either way, depending on the direction you want your blog to go in, using a background with a watermark does nothing to brand your blog and talents. Also, let's not forget that you aren't the only one downloading that very template or background. Not very original, if you ask me.

In walks PicMonkey (the new love of my life).    

In this tutorial, we will go over the steps it takes for you to create an original background for your blogger blog using PicMonkey.  

First, go to and upload your image.  If you are creating an image from scratch, just upload any image and follow the instructions for white washing a photo here.  

If all you want is a snazzy new background, then you're good to go.  Just upload your background to blogger.  However, if you want an all white center, you'll need to complete a few more steps.  

Here's where your patience will be needed. Lining up that white center in your background can be done numerous ways. You can get as technical as you want to get but I like to eyeball it. I know that I may have to change the size of the center several times to make it just so, but I also know that once this is done, it will be a template for other background changes, if the need arises. 

Save & upload your background to Blogger once you're satisfied with the finished product.  (DO NOT exit Picmonkey. You'll need to come back to edit your background if the center is not lined up.)

Instructions for installing background on Blogger:

  • Dashboard - Template - Customize (I use the Simple Template (in all white).
  • Background - Click on Upload Image
  • Make sure your background is aligned in the center and your tile selection is checked to 'scroll with page'.

You can easily change the width of your blog by clicking 'Adjust Widths.' If the white center in the middle of your background doesn't quite fit, go back to your PicMonkey tab and re-adjust. You may need to do this a few times but in the end, you're left with a template that can be used from now on making it super simple to make future changes to your blog.  

Try adding other elements to your background: polka dots, stripes, or the ever-so-cool moustaches. PicMonkey has a ton of overlays that can be used depending on the look you're going for. So get creative!  

If you made a custom background for your blog, post your link in the comments below.  I'd love to see them!  :)  

Happy Customizing!

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