
Weekly Wrap Up - #WeekBackUp

It's been relativly slow around the homestead this past week, not because I didn't have things to do but because I pinched a nerve in my neck. <insert whiny moan here>.  

Since I adore Noor's weekly backup bloghop, I thought I'd share with you a few of the highlights...

I'd like to introduce you to our newest family member, Henry Carlo. I know, I know - I don't need another animal but I can't help myself. Luckily for us, our 6 shih-tzus love Carlo and try to mother him relentlessly. I have to say though, that owning a cat is so much fun and quite different from the furbabies - I wish I'd gotten a kitty sooner. He's such a joy.

Since I was basically catatonic this week because of a pinched nerve in my neck, I watched a lot of tv. One of the programs I watched was Freddie Mercury: The Great Pretender. <swoon> I have always loved Queen and can actually tell you where I was the very first time I ever heard Bohemian Rhapsody. So, in honor of Freddie, this week's song is none other than...

I guess you can figure out what I'm going to use as my trouble of the week: pinched nerves. Thankfully today, I get to go see my chiropractor! I will be wearing bells.  lol

Strawberry Cobbler! I'd never had strawberry cobbler before - I've always used blackberries or peaches. I think it was the thought of having warmed strawberries; for some reaason it seemed odd (is that weird?).  
But, I'm so glad I made it anyway! It was so good!  
This recipe was super simple to make and can be found here.

I bleieve I said 'oh my God, it hurts!' more this week than I've ever said in the entirety of my life! Yes, I was a whiny baby and I am not ashamed.  :) 

That's it! My week in a nutshell.  

I'd love it if you popped over to Noor's Place to take part in the Weekly Back Up!  It's so much fun and it gives you the opportunity to make some new bloggy friends.  

Noor's Place


  1. I totally adore your cat . Lucky one to have it .
    Noor @ Noor's Place

  2. Hi Heather,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog. What an adorable cat. I have two--Mahiya and Jester. Sorry for pinch nerves..hope it goes away soon.
    following you now via bloglovin'.
    Gem :)

  3. Love the picture of the week! So cute!
