
Marlboro Man Sandwiches

I can still remember the glorious days of my single-hood when I could go out and eat the most delicious and decadent meals.  Meals like, pasta with cream sauce.  Okay, okay, maybe pasta isn't decadent but it is when your husband refuses to eat ANYTHING except for meat and potatoes.

He loves all sorts of meats.  And he loves potatoes.  That's it!  I happen to think it's unhealthy to eat the same thing over and over and over and over (and I make mention of this every time I'm slaving over a hot stove making meat!).  Okay, maybe it's not unhealthy in the proper sense but let's be honest - we need variety.

Enter The Pioneer Woman.  She literally SAVED my culinary life!  I have followed her blog for some time now and was soo happy when The Food Network opted to give her her own show (which I DVR every Saturday morning)!

She has tons of 'real food' ideas and I think I've made just about all of them.  And...I started with this one:  The Marlboro Man Sandwich!

I only have 3 words to say about this sandwich - oh my lord!  Even though it lacks potatoes, the hubs doesn't seem to mind.  Super simple to make and takes literally minutes.  I promise you'll love it.  :)

2 1/2 lbs cube steak
Lawry's Seasoned Salt
Worcestershire Sauce 

See, I told you it was easy!  Now, slice your onions in strips.  Melt 1/4 stick of butter in a cast iron skillet and add onions.  Cook onions till soft and light brown (about 7 minutes).  Slice cube steak in strips (going against the grain).  Season cube steaks strips with Lawry's Seasoned Salt.  Remove onions from skillet and add steak strips along with 2 tbsp of butter.  Let meat cook for a minute - without stirring, then flip.  Cook another couple of minutes, then add the Worcestershire Sauce to taste.  I use about 1/2 cup.  :)   Shake in a little Tabasco for some added heat.  Lastly, toast a couple of french rolls, pile the meat on and voila!  A dinner fit for any Marlboro Man (and woman!).  

Happy Eating!


  1. mmm my that sounds great.. have to try that one soon.. Thanks for sharing

  2. sounds so good cant wait to try it :)


  3. I want to make that right now...don't have the cube steak...shoot!

  4. That does sound interesting. I'm not like a huge fan of onions and I'm not sure about the tobasco or Worchestershire sauce, but I'm wondering if someone could do a Pen Station inspired version of that with cheese can't think of what they use I think it might be provolone and mushrooms or maybe instead of onions green peppers? I love meat so, the cube steak sounds good, I think I would just need to doctor it a bit. Definitely sounds interesting.

