
Parsimonious Cleaners

Since moving into our new home, I really haven't cleaned it.  I mean, I've unpacked boxes, found homes for all our crap, and made some of the rooms livable but cleaning - that has not happened.  Not even once.  <hangs head in shame>.

Since I coupon, I usually have a vast supply of cleaning supplies, although I can't tell you what happened to all of them in the move.  Who loses boxes of cleaning supplies?! family.  That's who.  :/

That's okay.  There is Google.  In my search for homemade cleaning supplies I can across a TON that I wanted to try but stuck to the ones that I had ingredients for.  Here's the results.  Now, in all honesty, I haven't used every one of them ... yet.  But I will.  Not today of course - all this work has made me tired...

Orange Cleaner

This one is a doozey!  Just a simple mixture of orange peels and vinegar.  Place leftover orange rinds in a jar and cover with plain vinegar.  Leave on the counter for a few days.  I think I'm gonna try for 5.  Very simple to make - cleans, deodorizes and disinfects!

Dilly's Miracle Cleaner

In the process of looking for stuff to clean with, I stopped and called an old family friend.  She suggested I try a paste of Baking Soda and Peroxide.  Not a really thick paste, but more of a liquidy soft scrub sort of paste.  Wowsa!  It cleans EVERYTHING!  From hard water spots off of silverware and shower heads, to crusty stuff caked on appliances, pans, etc.  Ahhhmazing!

All Purpose Amazing Cleaner

Carpet Powder

Full Disclosure:  I have 7 dogs.  Yes, 7.  And yes, at this moment, 6 (my shih-tzus) are sitting right beside me as I write this - the other, our Schnauzer Bailey, is wondering around to all the windows hoping to catch a glimpse of a bird or squirrel.

Needless to say, I love smell good stuff!  If I bought all the carpet freshener I use in a month, I'd have no money left over for groceries!  Luckily, I found a terrific tutorial for making your own.  As of this writing, I've only tried Orange Oil but I bet it'd be great with Lavender.

Super easy to make:  Mix some of your essential oils to the baking soda.  I used a whisk.  :)  Then pop in a shaker (I found an empty Parmesan cheese bottle).  Sprinkle on your floors and vacuum up.  :)

I'd love to hear your easy to make cleaner ideas and recipes!

Happy Cleaning!


  1. I love all the earth friendly cleaners! Great resource...bookmarked it.


  2. great ideas! loved them. I use a paste made of baking soda and water to clean my silver jewelry with an old toothbrush. :)


  3. Oh I cannot wait to try some of those... Thanks for the great tips... as always we can count on you..


  4. I hadn't heard of the orange cleaner before so I will have to try this one. Thanks for the great tips!

  5. enjoy seeing these posts. I have made several of the things on here and you rock hard!!! Thank you!!
