
Abundant Love

“ You've captured my heart, dear friend. You looked at me, and I fell in love. One look my way and I was hopelessly in love! How beautiful your love, dear, dear friend— far more pleasing than a fine, rare wine, your fragrance more exotic than select spices.” – Song of Songs 4:9-10
Oh, how He loves us! He loves us with a pure, selfless love – one that cradles and comforts, not hinders and punishes.
We don’t have to spend even a moment searching for Him under every nook and cranny. We don’t have to call Sister Sue to see if she can get a ‘word’ for us. We can reach out to Him, knowing that He’s right there because of His unfathomable love for us.
When we cry out for Him and say things like, ‘Oh God, please invade my life!’ or, ‘Please, God, please!’, it goes against what He’s already told us (Hebrews 13:5, Romans 8:38-39). He makes His home IN us (2 Cor. 5:17). There is nothing, not one thing that we can do to separate us from the Love of God.
We have to come to the conclusion that we don’t have to seek God but rather, He has already found us. We are not removed from Him. He has captured us, and taken us into His palace of Love.
He has given us food for life – the food that keeps us stuffed and never hungry. Through Jesus, He has quenched our thirst. We are storing up His love within us to be released unto others or back to Him in worship.
The love that He has for us is a love unlike anything you’re ever known. It’s deeper than the love you feel for your spouse, and more pure than the love you have for your children. It’s greater than our minds can grasp.
1 Corinthians 13 tells us of this love. I encourage you to read it, let it sink into your heart and reflect on what it means for you. Understand that He’s talking to you. When He looks at you, He goes weak in the knees. He is accessible to your love.
Next time you feel unloved or far away from God, ask yourself a simple question. “Would you give your own child for another person to live?” I’m sure your answer is the same as mine. Emphatically no.
But God did. My friend, He loves you. He thinks you are altogether beautiful and He can find no flaw in you. (Song of Songs 4:7)

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