
Homemade Carpet Cleaner Solutions For Your Machine

So, I started working on a post earlier entitled, 'Household Tools You Can't Live Without'.  Since I love my carpet cleaner probably more than I love anything else I own, I thought I'd start there.  But, here's the kicker...I make my own carpet cleaner.  Yes, it works!  Even in a machine.  

I immediately saved my post to draft and set out to write this one first.  This post will give you all the information you need to make your very own carpet cleaning solution and save some dough in the process.  (I don't know about you but I don't necessarily like spending $20 (give or take a few $) on a bottle of cleaning stuff.)

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Plain Vinegar

I know, I know, this seems a little too simple but I promise it works.  If you add a cup or so of vinegar to a tank of very hot water, you will have clean carpets when you're finished.  It gets rid of noticeable spots and cleans the inside of the steam cleaner at the same time.  Beware: While your carpet is wet, the vinegar smell will remain but once the carpet starts to dry, you will notice the smell diminishing.

Plain Ammonia

If you can stomach it, plain ammonia is a great choice for carpet cleaning machines.  A little goes a long way though so don't use more than about 1/2 cup to a gallon of very hot water.  It's always a good idea to pre-treat any tough stains with straight ammonia before cleaning.

Get Great Results with Windex and Water

After talking a friend of mine who cleans carpets professionally, I was told that using equal amounts of Windex and hot water works great.  I haven't tried this yet because frankly, I don't want to buy Windex just to clean the carpets with but it's a great idea nonetheless.  Who knows, I may need to clean carpets one day and have nothing on hand except Windex.  It's one for the files.

Ammonia, Vinegar AND Dishwashing Liquid

I seems as if we're just using the same ingredients over and over but one of my Facebook fans swears by this carpet cleaning solution.  She says, 'just add 3 tsp. of clear dishwashing liquid (non moisturizing), 1/4 cup of ammonia, and 1/4 cup of vinegar to a few gallons of HOTHOTHOT water.  Everything comes out great!"  Okay LaTonya, we're going to try it!  :)

Odor Killer

Use one scoop of Oxiclean Stain Remover one cup of Febreze or one cup of vinegar, and the recommended hot water. This will kill just about any odors that may be hiding out in your carpet.  Trust me.  This is the one I use the most.  :)  And, I admit that I use the Frebreze in mine instead of the ammonia...  The febreze can be bought in bulk through Amazon a lot cheaper than it can be bought in most big box stores.  

Try Using Tide

My sister in law had a great idea of using Tide laundry soap diluted with water in her machine.  She dies it all the time and swears by it.  She says it doesn't foam up so it was as easy as using plain ammonia or vinegar.

That's it for now.  If you have a special recipe that you use, we'd love to hear about it!  Just comment below.  Oh, and don't forget to follow us on bloglovin.  

Happy Cleaning!

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog! I am very much impressed with your blog about Carpet Cleaning Services such as Plain Vinegar, Ammonia, Vinegar & Dishwashing Liquid that provides best results with Windex and Water.
    Thanks for sharing this informative information
